Holy Wind Damage

The tornadoes in Kentucky were on the ground for 200 miles.

It was 68 degrees here in Buffalo and the wind started gusting in the early afternoon.

Blew shutters off the house. I brought anything not bolted down into the house and laid the basketball hoop down.

We dodged the loss of power and the loss of the internet through most of the day.

Thankfully, another great friend dropped off dinner for us so I had a lot of downtime on Saturday.

We joked a bit about the weather and how climate change might actually take us all out.

“I’m going out for the Bonnies game,” Jake said.

He got into his car and then ten minutes later he was back.

“Yeah. What’s for dinner? I ain’t driving in that. Car was blowing all over the road.”

And once everyone was in the house and accounted for I didn’t really care how hard the wind was blowing.

But you definitely do hear people preaching about doomsday scenarios due to climate change and when tornadoes and hurricanes and fires are all once in a century type events and we’ve had them ten times in the last ten years…

…well, it’s concerning.

There may come a day when the Earth just ride itself of all the annoying people.

Happened with the dinosaurs, right?

Not a whole lot we’re going to be able to do once it passes the tipping point.


Let the wind blow!


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