
I know of some guys who have already retired.

Others have solid dates in mind.

This was actually the first year I considered it, and it’s pretty funny, but a lot of conversations start as though we are nearing the end of a term of incarceration.

“How long you got?”

And of course, the retirement age has shifted through the years.

Does one pull the plug at 62? Or 65? Or freaking 70?

Seventy would certainly be too long, but as you get older the 13 years I would have left in that scenario doesn’t seem so daunting.

Most of the people who are nearing the retirement age would still like to keep a tow in the water.

I spoke to a guy who has a date in mind. He was asking me about a job.

“Could I work 2 or 3 days a week?”

I guess there’s a fear there.

I would certainly wonder about filling in all the hours. During the little Covid lull when things slowed a little I would often open my eyes and think:

“Why am I getting up?”

That would be magnified and with not a lot on the horizon…

…I might have a problem there.

Yet, I’ve been dragging myself out of bed for a lot of years.

I can’t really sleep past 7:00.

Spoke to one dude who is a couple of years into his retirement.

“I’ve been able to push my wake up time to 8:00 some days.”

“So, what do you do?”

“Nothing if I feel like it. Something if I do.”

And like I said, this is the first year when I thought about it even a little…

…some weeks it takes a month for Friday to get there.

A lot of people retire and then quickly die.

I’d rather not fall into that camp.

Maybe I should try a day off now and again to see how bad it will be.

There’s still time.


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