Hitting Trees

We got the round in, but it was a slough. The rain came down all day, just enough to keep me wiping my hands on my pants before I took a swing.

I was too quick through the zone on my first swing and yanked it left. Hit a good second shot, but found myself behind some trees.

Up and over and I would be on the green for the par 5.

The swing felt great.

Clipped the very top of the tree!

Ball bounded back.

Well, at least I was left with a lane.

Put it on the green close enough and I would have a par putt.

Just needed to keep it low and in the gap.

Another free and easy swing.

Clipped a branch that was just hanging there.


I may have yelled.

The ball ended up in a sand trap!


And I chipped out of the trap and the ball rolled towards the cup…

…and hung on the damn lip!

Anyway, I thought a whole lot about that hole as my Sunday evening faded.

We are always trying to do things in life and adversity rears it’s ugly head.

I could’ve avoided a lot of trouble by not trying to go over the trees or through the gap.

I could’ve punched it back to the fairway…

…but I was confident.

Didn’t work out.

How do you handle adversity?

I ended up in the trap.

A totally unexpected situation.

But I punched it out…

…and for a split-second I allowed myself to dream again.

It was going in!


But it didn’t drop…

…hung there on the lip of the cup as I swore some more and one of the members of the foursome mentioned…

…”Ahhh, that’s a damn shame.”

Just like life.

I took my double-bogey and moved on.

Put the next shot on a par 3 on the green…

…promptly 3-putted.


Golf imitates life some days.


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