Leave Britney Alone

Britney Spears is a 36-year-old woman who has made millions upon millions of dollars.

From what I’ve read, she’s a basic slave to make money for her father who seems to run every aspect of her life.

She’s allowed to go onstage and perform so that the money rolls in, but other than that she doesn’t seem to have much of a life.

I read as much as Britney’s testimony as I could, but man, she was a jumbled mess.

Now, of course there may be a good reason why they are taking control of her life, but they didn’t seem all that concerned with her mental well-being when they had her do the Las Vegas residency.

She’s not able to control her own life, but she can do a show, night after night as a high-level performer?

It just seems like someone is taking advantage of the situation.

I wonder why.


Now, I don’t care much for her music. It’s always seem a bit contrived, but she seems like a good kid, and we all saw the pressure she was under as the spotlight consumed her…

…and the mess of it has kind of struck a chord for me.

She’s being robbed in real time.

Or so it seems to me.

People often look at celebrities and do the ‘boo-freaking-who-they’re rich’ chant, but man, a whole lot of artists, who bring joy to so many are often manic-depressive and suffering.

Read her testimony.

It’s not the testimony of a woman who is enjoying the high life.

Someone should help her out.

Instead of stealing from her.


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