Dr. Death

The Dr. Death series on Peacock is extraordinary.


Yes, but it is also not a comfortable watch. 

First off, it’s about neck, back and spine surgeries that are badly botched by a surgeon who just annihilated his patients.

We have some of those types of problems here. I most certainly could go in and have back surgery tomorrow.

I have the MRI’s to prove my distress, but I have continued to battle through because I have always heard it’s a crap shoot to have back surgery.

I’m also very leery of all surgeries since the hip surgery.

After watching the series…


I want no part of any of it!

Alec Baldwin and Christian Slater were outstanding. The guy who played Dr. Death was great too.

The story moves forward fast.

The fact that the man was allowed to practice any sort of medicine is deplorable, in hindsight, but it was made possible because of greed.

The more surgeries you do, the more money you make. 

A surgeon maims 33 people!

Now, I wrote an entire book on the medical community and was wildly impressed by some of the surgeons I met.

They were conscientious and caring and brilliant.

We spoke in lengthy interviews and I walked away impressed by the commitment and the integrity…

…but can a bad doctor slip through?

A lot of doctors across the country finished last in their class.

They are out there…

…add in the narcissism and the greed of administrators and fear of lawyers and malpractice and…

…Dr. Death will happen again.

Watch it.


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