One Final Pitch

I am so tired of the lies.

I hate lying liars who lie and no matter who you will cast your vote for Tuesday, or who you’ve already voted for, you must admit that Trump is the most consistent liar who has ever held that position.

We aren’t ‘rounding the turn.’

That’s his most dangerous lie, but one lie after another is absolutely ridiculous.

We deserve better.

I am also pretty sick of people who are living paycheck to paycheck believing that having Trump there is good for them financially. 

His policies are not helping you.

He’s the first president since Hoover to have a negative in the jobs category. It wasn’t the greatest economy in the history of the world before Covid-19.

In fact, we were heading for a recession and the tax break for the rich was crippling us. The greatest economy ever crap...

...was a lie.

The fact that the economy further tanked because of the virus was also because of another lie.

He knew what the virus could do to us. He lied and did nothing.

He was trying to keep the stock market alive. They propped it up with trillions donated. The rich made billions during the pandemic.

Think of that, those of you waving the Trump flag, billions, and billions went to the rich.

Not to you.

He isn’t “like” you. 

He’s never worked an honest day in his life. He doesn’t love the troops. He doesn’t love blacks, Asians, Mexicans, gays or anyone else who isn’t white and rich.

He wouldn’t cross the street to shake the hand of a man who doesn’t fit his ‘rich guy’ Profile.

He thinks you’re a loser.

“He didn’t take a salary!”

Okay, but he stole millions on the golf course. He inflated rates at his properties and directed people to rent those rooms.

He owes a billion someone...and he doesn’t want you to know who.

It’s all a con and a fraud.

Always has been.

“He’s against abortion! He’s for family values!!”

He’s on his third wife. He paid off a porn star. Have you ever seen him have a genuine moment with any of his kids (beside shots of him groping Ivanka)?

His wife appears to hate him. Unless it’s the double they use.

He was always pro-choice...until about 2010.

He’s most likely paid for abortions.

The Clintons were at his wedding and he gave money to them when they were running for office.

He was a Democrat for years...

...believed in nothing.

Stands for zip. Has zero empathy for anyone suffering. Starts every day with one horrific, divisive tweet that is meant to destroy unity.

He’s sub-human in every way.

And we won’t survive 4 more years of his “leadership”.


Make it count.

The future of the country depends on it.


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