I Couldn’t Watch It

One of the announcers on one of the shows said:

“Isn’t this fun?” As he was talking about votes that hadn’t been counted yet.

It honestly was fun when I was a kid.

I remember watching the returns come in for Carter and Reagan wins.

It felt like that America could survive no matter which side assumed power.

People would still somehow work together.

I shut it all down at 10:00 Eastern time.

The media selling it like a football game.


This isn’t entertaining for people who watched a loved one die to a virus that was denied, ignored and then finally belittled and dismissed because it was too hard.

It’s not a game when you consider that there aren’t any checks or balances left.

Announcers growing giddy about the possibilities of it all being so close that it’s tied up in court or susceptible to cheating.

They’re talking voter suppression as if it’s a campaign technique.

It’s cheating!

We are broken.

As I write this at ten eastern time I can’t be sure about who may win or who will claim victory and sit behind the newly erected fences put up in front of OUR White House.



And Biden may win before the night is out, but I can’t watch the coverage.

It’s not fun.


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