Back At It

“Western New York has the highest-rate of Covid in the state,” Kathy said. “Supposed to rain a lot tomorrow too. Ready to go back to work?”

“Yes,” I said, immediately.

The fact of the matter being that I’m really ready to go!

I slept past 7:30 one morning!

I haven’t done that in about 25 years. 

I cooked a lot during this little break. All the Thanksgiving stuff, a pot of sauce, tacos.

I hung with Paris (the dog) and Miller (the cat) and we continued to mourn our buddy, Melky.

Paris was certainly down in the dumps. It’s strange, but she was really moping. So we gave her a few rides, she went for a walk, and had a few bones.

It’s the only way through.

We caught a few movies. The Ron Howard ‘Hillbilly Effegy’ and Mel Gibson as Santa in ‘Fatman.’

“He’s not a great guy,” Jake said when he saw Mel on the screen.

“If we only watched movies, or listened to music from great guys all we’d listen to or see would have Bruce in it.”

Jake laughed.

The Bills won. They’re 8 up and 3 down and in first place.

“What’d you think?” Sam asked.

“They aren’t great, but there are some bad teams. Why can’t they win?”

And the news still isn’t good out there. A lot of people ate Thanksgiving Dinner together. Plenty of photos of happy people saying, “We’re free to live free!”

Hope they aren’t in a bed somewhere (as free as birds) in the next couple of weeks...

...but plenty will be.

As for the election updates...’s still over.

Even though there’s a grumbling from the tee boxes at the Trump resorts.

Only 4 weeks until Christmas.

I’m ready to go back to work...

...but I’m worried about the 30 days ahead of us.

And then we can put 2020 in the rear view.



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