Nothing Is Gonna’ Happen

So, after yesterday’s blog about the end of the Trump presidency I received a SNL skit about it from a beloved member of my family.

It’s a great skit with Woody Harrelson and a couple of the SNL actors.

“Nothing is gonna’ happen,” is the punch line...

...and it scared me.

As I read the news that William Barr is touring the world trying to find “evidence” to discredit United States intelligence that implicated Trump.

Read that sentence again.

The head of the Department of Justice of the United States is going to other countries to dig up dirt on the FBI and CIA in defense of a crazed man who thinks he’s king.

When I read that on Monday night, I felt bile rising because for the only time in my life I became aware that:


I don’t want to write about this anymore.

I don’t want to read any more of this!

A new book is being published about the border war.

He asked if they could shoot the migrants in the legs to slow them down!

Pompeo sent out a tweet that they weren’t going to cooperate with the House impeachment inquiry.

Now there will be subpoenas that may also be ignored.

Then there’s crazy Rudy

“I’m Trump’s lawyer! I was just looking out for my client.”

Two questions later:

“The state department knew! Of course they did! I was saving the country. I should win an award!”

And the lies.

My God how there are lies. They go on every show because the media wants it to be a game!

“The whistleblower was all hearsay!!”

(Except it was backed up by the actual transcript released by the White House).

Then there’s Joe Biden and the billion dollars he promised the Ukraine because he needed to fire the prosecutor who was investigating his son because kids shouldn’t be in business with a politician.

That’s all false!!

But now people are saying, “what’s up with Biden and the Ukraine?”

It’s the same misinformation that is repeated day after day.

“Obama sent a pallet of cash to Iran.

(It was their money from the 1978 hostage crisis and it wasn’t delivered on a pallet).

“Clinton is running a pedophile ring from the basement of a pizza parlor!”

The place in question didn’t even HAVE a basement!

And America is asleep at the wheel!!

How did Hitler pull it off???

I’ll never ask that question again.

The best part of the SNL skit was when the character saying:

“It’s never gonna’ happen.” (In terms of Trump being carried out of the White House).


“Yeah, it’ll work because Americans LOVE to read.”


We have to read!!

We have to stand up!!!

The DOJ is collaborating with Russia to discredit United States Intelligence!

This is not a drill.

It’s gotta’ happen!



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