
We had a strange moment as the nurse gave Kathy her discharge instructions.

“You probably shouldn’t try and do any laundry for awhile,” the nurse said.

“Like 23 years?” I asked.

“You shouldn’t be thinking about grocery shopping or doing the dishes or cooking for some time.”

“She won’t,” I said.

Now they both looked at me.

“He does that stuff,” Kathy said.

Yet, the first couple of days here has been a tad rough. Take Friday morning for instance.

I was on the way to the hospital with the idea that there’d be a quick conversation and we’d be on the way back home.

The phone buzzed.

“Can you bring me some scrambled eggs?”

Scrambled eggs???

They don’t just have a scrambled egg store.

“Does McDonalds have them?” I asked.

“I don’t know, but find me some because they brought me some and they’re disgusting. They’re all runny. I haven’t eaten in two days!”

I had to change directions completely. There aren’t a whole lot of McDonalds near the hospital.

Found a Mickey D’s and was looking at their menu. The phone buzzed again:



“How about oatmeal? Do they have oatmeal?”

I don’t do fast food very often and I haven’t eaten oatmeal in about 48 years.

“I have no idea,” I said.

As I said it, I spotted oatmeal on the menu.

“Oatmeal it is,” I said.

“Hurry back,” she said. “They’re gonna’ let me out soon.”

Soon turned out to be 3 and a half hours later.

I sat there quietly.

At home, I made chicken noodle soup.

“This isn’t good. Where’d it come from?”

“Tops,” I said.

“It ain’t good. How about tomato soup?”

“Coming right up!”

And I thought of a nickname one of Kathy’s friends gave me years ago.


I cleaned up the dinner dishes, grabbed some soft foods from the grocery store, filled the water bowl for the dogs and threw a load of laundry in.

Made it back to the living room.

“Before you sit down can you do me a favor?” Kathy asked.

“I was hoping you had more for me to do,” I said.

“Cliffarella, Cliffarella, Cliffarella!”

Gonna’ be a long rehab!


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