39 Degrees

There was a heavy layer of frost and I shivered mightily as I headed for the car because my freaking light jacket was in the car.

I turned the key and the car came to life:

7:11 a.m. - 39

The 39 represents the degrees.


Now, it warmed up nicely and the sun was shining all day. October is like that.

It can be cold. There’s a possibility of heavy snow. Or it can be 70.

It’s also a pretty month and since I was born on a crisp fall day back in the October of ‘64...

...well, it’s a lovely month.

Twitter had a little exchange going on. A ranking of the best month.

October came in first, but the guy who made the list had November in the #3 slot.


So, I decided to make my own list of the best months - last to first.

12). February - February sucks.

11). January - January sucks too. There’s an optimism for the new year, but it only lasts for about 4 days.

10). November - I like Thanksgiving but the cold is settling in. Makes me sad.

9). April - Baseball begins which is awesome, but there are off-days and there’s too much rain.

8). December - I enjoy Christmas for about 20 minutes. It’s cold. It’s busy, and it’s cold.

7). March - Mud everywhere. Bad memories, but March Madness saves it. Kathy’s Birthday too, but if it’s during Madness, we miss it.

6). September - It’s starting to turn. Work is always really busy and I remember the dread of school starting.

5). May - I love Memorial Day Weekend. Baseball is starting to get good. Golf swing is coming around.

4). October - yes, the great and unmatched wisdom came alive in ‘64, but it MIGHT snow.

3). August - Sunny days. Golf tournaments. Work is fun because the heat feels great.

2). July - The 4th has been depressing these last couple of years because of the whole death of democracy thing, but the rest of the month is awesome.

1). June - Jake & Sam were born in June. So was Jeff. Great memories. Golf, hoops, beers, parties. Sun and golf. Way better than snow!


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