He Firmly Denies It

So, the stomach churning debate this week appears to be the murder of Jamal Khashoggi the reporter from the Washington Post who was chopped to pieces by Saudi Arabian monsters.

You see, in the past, such a murder would be strongly condemned by the President of the United States because we USED to stand for human rights.

“He firmly denied it. He really firmly denied it, so there’s that.”

Does he not get it?

Does he not know that the jails are full of people who firmly deny it?

Did he believe Orenthal when he said “100% absolutely not guilty?”

Yet, the reason why the Orange Dope believes the King of Saudi Arabia is because...


He didn’t believe the Central Park 5 we’re innocent even after they were found not guilty. He wanted to put those five BLACK kids to death...after the verdict was handed down.

He believed Roy Moore and Bart O’Kavanaugh’s denials.

He was good with Putin’s word.

“He denies it, I can tell you that. He very strongly denies it.”

Years ago, Jake was playing his gameboy. Jake had a legendary temper when he was frustrated and despite the act that I was standing beside him, and even though I warned him...

...Jake angrily threw that gameboy through my living room window.

I was horrified!

I turned to him...

“I didn’t do it,” he said.

Even though he firmly denied it...

...I punished him.

And the sad thing is that even before anyone truly knew what happened, the Conman said that he’d respect the arms deal because it was a lot of money.

His eternally pale son-in-law is also owned by the Saudis too...

...”we’ll see what happened.”

...is code for...”they can kill as many people as they want.”

And then the story shifted.

It was an accident. They were questioning him and it went too far.

(Who knew chopping someone up with a bone saw would kill him?)

And in the end, this is a very important and tragic story because the President of the United States (as sad as that is) told every two-bit dictator in the world that ordering the murder of a journalist is okay as long as it profits Trump/Kushner...

...but you gotta’ firmly deny it too.

Another sickening day.


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