Congratu$uckulation$ to the $uck $ux

I didn’t watch more than a couple of at-bats of the World Series.

I never much cared for the Dodgers and that’s because the Yankees played them 3 times in the series - winning in ‘77 & ‘78 and losing in the strike fiasco in ‘81.

But I was rooting for them...

...because they were playing Boston...

The team with the highest-payroll in the history of the sport.

$240 million buys you a lot of wins.

They beat the poor cash-strapped Yankees by 1-thin run in two games of the division series. A $70 million payroll advantage may have made a difference.

That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

I once told my son, Sam, who is a Yankees fan:

“Being a Yankees fan means that you never give an inch. When someone brags, hit them with 27.”

Sam has it down.

Regardless, my phone blew up immediately after Game 5.

Red Sux fans, rather than enjoying their bought title were coming at Yankees fans.

This is how I answered the first one:

“Congrat$, they’re a good $quad. I’m $ure they’ve brought up happine$$. Don’t let those high $alries   $poil it. They de$erved it! $o $uper happy tho$se free agent$ paid off!”

(That’s not giving an inch).

“You gotta’ admit that they were a good group,” the $ux fan $aid.

“I ain’t gotta’ admit $hit,” I answered. “Don’t want to hear a peep out of you if the Yankees spend a billion dollar$ by Chri$tma$.”

He gave me the laugh emoji and then said he was trying to nap cause he took the day off because he was up late celebrating.

“Yankees fans go to work after a title,” I said.

Then I sent him a text every 15 minutes...

...until he growled:

“I’m shutting off my phone.”

Never give an inch.

Congratu$uckulation$ To the $uck $ux.


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