One Minute

Randall Margraves got a chance to confront Larry Nassar at the sentencing hearing for the disgraced, demented, sick, disgusting man who molested hundreds of young girls...

...three of whom were Margraves daughters.

They ended up taking Margraves out of the courthouse in handcuffs because after asking the judge for just 5 minutes with Nassar, and then following it up for a request of just one minute alone with the man who was supposed to be taking care of those kids...

...but wound up molesting them.

Margraves, sensing that he wasn’t going to be granted with alone time...

...charged at Nassar and the cops intervened.

I don’t think Margraves will be charged.

And it’s difficult to even consider what Nassar did, and what he was allowed to do at MSU.

They were warned!

One girl came forward and said that the procedure was actually a sexual attack.

The school looked into it and sent a letter to the woman stating that it was a unique medical procedure that Nassar was performing.


The mental scars that man left in his wake number in the thousands.

He’s going to be off to prison shortly.

He’ll be safe from the families that he damaged and the girls he may have destroyed.

I will never understand the horror that humans can inflict on others. Obviously the man was mentally depraved.

But he’s responsible for what he did...

...and he will suffer for the rest of his days on this earth.

Let’s pray that his victims don’t.

He’s lucky that there were police protecting him in that courtroom.

I can imagine what that Dad might’ve done with just one minute alone with him.



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