It’s Presidents Day!!!

On Saturday there was an official release that said Trump wouldn’t be golfing out of respect for those who died in the school shooting.

How incredibly gallant of him!

Presidents Day isn’t about selling mattresses. It’s about leadership.

If you weren’t paying attention to social media on Saturday night and Sunday morning you actually missed a complete meltdown in leadership.

Trump used nicknames, sent out hateful tweets, told one lie after another about Russia and then capped it all off by politicizing the shooting in an effort to get people to stop looking at him as guilty with Russia.

This is what we know:

Russia interfered. American intelligence knew this way back in December of 2016. Obama proposed immediate punishment and Congress passed the bill that would enact sanctions. Trump eventually signed it...

...but refuses to enact the punishment.


“I don’t have anything to do with Russia! Never have!! No deals! Nothing!”

Trump went off, saying this hundreds of times. He also said that he believed Putin when he said that he had nothing to do with it.

On Sunday he said that he never said that Russia didn’t interfere.


No deal?

He’s been tied to them for 30 years. There have been deals, photos of his kids bragging about money pouring in from Russia.

We’d know all about it...but we have never seen his taxes.

He’s obstructed justice at every turn. He’s fired people who got close. He released a memo written by his guy. Squashed the memo that would’ve shined light on those lies.

My point being:

It’s Presidents’ Day and for the first time in our history...

...we are rudderless.

Absolutely running blind here.

We don’t have a leader.

He knows zip about his presidential duties.

I’m pretty sure that he’ll golf today.

Enough time has passed and he certainly feels he’s done enough for that Florida community.

After all, he stayed home on Saturday.

How much more do we want?

Enjoy Presidents’ Day.

We’re on our own.


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