Can We Talk About Anything Else?

So tired of the endless arguing and one dose of bad news after another.

“I wish they’d pass a law that says he can’t tweet on Saturday or Sunday,” said a working slob at one of the job sites. “We gotta’ get aggravated by something new every damn day? Can’t we get one day a week off? He tweets five straight hateful things and then goes golfing.”

I laughed.

“Yeah, Let’s talk about something else,” I said.

“Not baseball!” He said. “You’re a Yankees fan and I’m an Orioles fan. That’s not lining up as good news either.”

“How about the weather?” I tried.

“It was 70 on Tuesday and 30 today. I’m not thrilled with that either.”

He was wearing a Roger Waters concert shirt. I’m a Waters fan, but missed the show.

“How was it?” I asked.

“Awesome. Man, he hates Trump.”

“No!” I said. “We’re talking about something else!”

“Right! You seeing any shows?” He asked.

“Bruce!” I called out.

“What’s new?” He said, with a laugh.

“He’s on Broadway. I’m going next weekend. Got lucky. Should be a great show.”

“You know who he’s going to bash, don’t you?” My buddy asked.

“Nope,” I said. “I have no idea who you’re talking about.”

He laughed.

“That was a great talk,” he said.

“Yeah. I feel better already.”

I like the no tweet rule.

You think we could get just one day off?

Probably not.


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