
That photo came across my Twitter feed yesterday as that degenerate was sentenced up in Boston.

The person who posted it had the obligatory 'Thoughts and Prayers' in the message box.

And I looked at that photo for a long time...alongside the photo in the news story of the man who with his equally evil brother...murdered them.

And I kept thinking...


1). When will it end?

2). When will we figure it out?

3). When will men stop killing men?

And I know the answers.

Sadly I know them.

1). Never.

2). We won't.

3). Never.

And that is unfathomable.

Look at the faces of the dead there.

Think of the anguish of the family members and the friends who loved those people.

And that's not to mention those poor people who lost limbs or were forever changed.


The photo shook me up for a long time and I just kept staring at it.

I knew that it was just one photo of one day.

In the past three weeks I've heard stories of men locking themselves in houses, shooting people before turning the gun on their own sick head.

A sick, demented man shooting kids at schools.

Shooting each other on every street corner in every city in this great country that was built on principles and belief.

'Thoughts and Prayers.'

When will be able to offer more than that?

To the families of people who lose their lives for no reason.

Innocent people.

And it's just not these two mad bombers.

Who will soon be dead together...gone...good, right?

But when will we be wringing our hands again in agony because there is another one?



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