Graduation Day - Congrats to Matt (Again)

I distinctly recall the day of my college graduation.

My mother and a couple of my siblings made the drive to Erie, Pa. to attend the ceremony. Dad didn't make the trip because I had told him not was just going to be a long drawn-out ceremony.

He could stay home.

He'd done enough!

Mom, of course...wasn't going to miss it.

One problem.

She had to meet me by the side of the road.

We had been tossed from our living quarters by a landlord who was picky enough to hate broken windows and a kitchen table that had lost its legs at a huge party.

(That's another story - but a good one).

Suffice to say that along with about 5 other idiots I had finished off my college career by sleeping in the woods.


We had one last party the night before graduation.

In fact, I brushed my teeth on graduation morning with Jack Daniels.

(Not kidding...woodsman don't have tooth paste...but I had to get the horrible taste out of my mouth so J.D. it was).

Anywhoha again...

The ceremony went on forever...I kept searching the crowd for a girl who didn't show up because we'd been acting 'like assholes'

(No idea where that came from - right Lisa?).

My head was pounding.

My stomach was doing twists.

My family was somewhere up in the huge doubt bored senseless.

Finally they called my name.

I walked across the stage, shook the bishop's hand...and walked away.

"I can't believe they gave you a degree!" My roommate and great friend Fluffy called out.

He too was hungover to the gills.

Mom was too generous once more...she took me and a few of my closest college friends to dinner.

With my family and friends...

...I celebrated what felt like a tremendous accomplishment.

I'd made it out in 4 years.

And then... college friends left the restaurant.


People I'd shared every day with. Guys and girls that I really loved (and still do all these years later).

They walked out of the restaurant and for hours, days, weeks, months and years afterwards I kept waiting on their return.

Leaving college is weird.

You are ready to get life started.

But there's pain of knowing it's over.

Knowing that it will never be quite so much fun as it was for those four years.

I know how Matt feels.

I'm proud of what he did - four years - got it done - a great accomplishment.

But life will rise up to meet you in due time.

I can't believe I'm saying this:

But relax a little while.

The mule is still on his feet.

Get over the shock and pain of being out.

Know that better days are ahead...but that tedious days of endless work are also in your future...and it goes on and on and on and on and on and on...

Reflect on the friendships you made...

...the love you shared...

...and for God's Sake....

...detox a little before you make any major life choices.


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