Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles & Brady's Balls

So, here in Buffalo Route 33 has been closed down each night because they're shooting a movie - Yeah - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

I most likely won't see the finished movie, but there was a time...

...I had to watch all of those movies when the boys were young.

They were painful to watch, actually, but the boys certainly loved all of them.

The television show was horrendous.

Yet it's a funny thing about show business, right?

On day one, folks lined the street to get a glimpse at the shooting area.

By day two the complaints started to come in. "The lights", "the explosions", "the mean crew."

It's all for about five minutes of action in the course of the movie.

5 minutes!

Must be nice to spend between $7 and $9 million dollars to film five minutes of stuff and people are starving.


The 'Tom Brady is a cheater' story is dominating the news again and I really don't want to debate it with anyone...especially people who hate him...but the NFL has certainly bungled another scandal.

They spent $5 million to get to the bottom of things and people are starving. They ended the audit with 'Probably, Generally Appeared' as a conclusion.

I can't believe they pay that commissioner $45 million a year...and people are starving.

Goodell doesn't appear able to arrange a one-car funeral.

I think back to George Brett hitting a home run with too much pine tar on his bat.

It broke the rule.

The ball went about 450 feet.

Yankees legend Billy Martin came out of the dugout and petitioned the umps. Brett was called out and he exploded from the dugout in one of the most classic temper tantrums of all-time.

That night the commissioner of baseball ruled on it:

Brett broke the rule, but the pine tar had nothing to do with the outcome.

It wasn't the spirit of the rule, he said.

The home run counted.

I was just a kid then and I went nuts, of course, being a Yankee fan, but deep down, I knew it was the right thing. George Brett wasn't cheating even though he technically took advantage of a dumb rule.

Everyone has something to say about this football scandal. Most agree that the ball had little to do with the outcome of anything.

I really don't see how suspending one of the best players ever does anything for your sport.

I further don't understand how labeling the champions of the sport enhances the game.

A league filled with cheating, a complete lack of integrity, bad refs, drug-addled folks on every team...has suddenly found religion?

It's certainly a weird way to handle a crisis

...and I think Brady most certainly told his guys to make the footballs soft as possible.

He was guilty of it and he probably should have come clean, but most likely thought it was a silly thing to be drawn and quartered for...

...but that's what he'll be.

(An aside - announcers should say 'footballs' instead of just 'balls'. The special reports breaking in to regular programming to mention that Brady wanted his "Balls Extra Soft," is weird).

I can tell you one thing:

I'd rather watch three straight days of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Television Show than ever see anything about Deflategate again.

But I have a feeling that we aren't close to seeing the end of this story.

Mostly because the commissioner is incompetent.

Even the T.M.N.T are laughing at him.


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