D.B's of the Week - The Rioters

We've all seen the photos.

Kids throwing rocks at the police.

Men coming out of the CVS with cookies and toilet paper.

Even the poor mother who went viral slapping the sh*t out of her kid for being involved.

There's no doubt that the D.B.'s of the Week are those involved in the riots.

And that's not to say that there isn't a beef there...whether it is real or just perceived.

But what makes a man do some of the things that they might not normally do?

I was listening to a radio broadcaster the other day who was saying that he'd love to be a part of the mob who is going into some of the stores and grabbing stuff. The announcer said that it would be 'fun'.


Of course, the guy was quick to add that his conscience would not allow him the peace of mind to be able to keep the stuff that he looted.

Immediately there was a phone call and the caller explained that all the 'nice stuff' that he had in his apartment came from whatever he could grab during the Hurricane Katrina days in New Orleans.

Would it be fun?

When I was young I always thought about how neat it would be to be able to go into a record store and grab all the music I wanted.

If I somehow got loose in a grocery store I'm sure the meat counter would take a beating.

I wouldn't pass the pasta aisle either.

But much like the announcer, my conscience would beat the hell out of me.

(The nuns did a helluva' job).

As far as throwing rocks, or starting fires or just hurling screams...

...I don't have such rage inside.

But then again...I have not been oppressed, or felt so oppressed either.


These folks easily win the D.B. of the Week honors because I don't actually believe that a lot of folks had all the information they might need to warrant acting like a punk as something honorable.

Some of the looters and violent men out there were simply looking for an excuse to be criminals.

And that's a D.B. worthy act from the very first moment.

It's sad.

I'm still sad over all of it.

I'm holding my breath, knowing that there's a real possibility that the cops may not have done anything wrong in the death of the man they had in custody.

The man had been arrested a whole bunch of times, previously, and he had not been killed by the cops during those arrests.

Is it possible that there was wrong-doing?

Of course.

But some D.B.'s are just waiting for an excuse to act badly.

And again...



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