Saturday Night Live/David Letterman

David Letterman kind of became a star when I was a college student.

He was brand new to the talk show circuit and by brand new I mean that he was completely different from all the talk show hosts we'd seen prior to that.

I loved the show.

In fact, as time went by I had a whole bunch of conversations with my Dad about how funny Letterman was through the years.

My favorite Letterman joke?

He started his monologue one night by saying that he went to the doctors because he had huge scratches along his back and on his stomach and in his long, drawn-out rapport with Paul (who I also thought was pretty funny) he explained that he had no idea where the scratches came from.

"The doctor came out and said, 'Dave, I have some bad news. Those scratches are coming from the inside."

Such a simple joke, but really funny.

I have told it a hundred times through the years and my beautiful wife just rolls her eyes.

"Dumb," she says.

And my all-time favorite Top Ten list?

When Dave did the Top ten numbers from One to Ten.

#10 - 6
#9 - 5
#8 - 3
#7 - 10

There were hoots and hollers.

"That one surprised me," he said.

#6 - 2
#5 - 1

"I thought #1 would be one," he said.

#4 - 4

"That one makes sense."

#3 - 7
#2 - 9

and the number 1 number from One to Ten:


Again, simple and funny.

I haven't seen Letterman live in a long while...just ain't up at that time of the night...but I would still YouTube some of the stuff and laugh. He'll be missed.


...speaking of jokes that aren't so simple.

Louis C.K. is in trouble for his SNL appearance where he talked about pedophiles really enjoying being pedophiles.

People were hooting a little bit in the live audience.

Louis is being absolutely killed by religious groups and others...!

It's comedy!!

I talked it over with the family at dinner the other night and Kathy thought it was a little too much. The boys thought it was clever...and it was meant to be.

We've discussed this before:

Was Carlin torched for his act?


Eddie Murphy?

I'm not quite sure that there is any topic that should be off-limits for a comic.

Louis C.K. wasn't sympathizing with pedophiles. He didn't sanction their actions.

He was trying to be funny.

What is funny to me?

The religious folks who are damning Louis the most...


...had the biggest pedophile scandal in history.


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