19 & Counting?

Up until yesterday I had no idea that there was a show called 19 and Counting.

I had no idea who the Duggar family was.

I was able to catch up fast because it appeared to be the only story in the news.

Now that I know...I'm aggravated.

But...I'm also a bit understanding of one part of it.


I'm not sure where I would go with a kid that has done something wrong in the confines of the family. Let's be honest here, you aren't going to call the cops on your kid, right?

But...given the seriousness of the allegations against a 14-year-old...molesting his sisters in their sleep...I'm certain of one thing for sure...

...I'd get the kid some serious help.

From what I've read...and the coverage may be slanted...that doesn't seem to have happened. Working on a farm doesn't rid you of the devil.

I honestly don't believe that you can pray away such a 'sin'.

And this is more than just a 'sin'.

Did the family find help for the victims of Joshua Duggar?

That seems to be real unclear.

Yet my main problem, of course, is the hypocrisy.

Isn't the show billed as something of how you should live your life as a Christian?

I've never seen the show, and don't plan on watching, but I've been a Christian all my life and I can tell you a couple of things:

1). Lying and deceit is frowned upon.

The family knew the secret. They did not tell the secret until they had to tell it. It's not owning up to something if you spill the beans after you get busted.

2). If you have such a problem in your family should you be telling me how to live in my family?

If you think that the Duggar's are grand folks who deserve to still have their forum to tell people how to go about living their days in a Christian manner...ask yourself this:

Did they lie to you?

I think they did.

A couple of other things about the scandal.

19 kids?


I guess if you have 19 of them you may have a molester in the bunch...or a gay...

How would that go over with Jim-Bob or whatever his name is?

Maybe they have a gay child and they are hiding it from the television producers.

Who knows?

Thing is...their credibility is gone.


Why is this a conservative versus liberal argument?

Can someone actually take the side of the molester?

Why, of course, they can!

I read a whole bunch of accounts that said that the family is already forgiven.

Well...one final thought...

Be careful of those who say that something is forgiven in Jesus' name.

That is yet to be seen.

The Christian faith is certainly built upon forgiveness, love, living the right way.

Hiding something for ten years?

Pretending that you're one thing when you're not?

Preaching when you have your own deceit hidden deep?

Probably not so much...

...but what the hell do I know?

I wasn't even aware of this troubled clan until yesterday.


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