The Wicked Witch Is Dead

So, who woulda' thunk that Barrack Hussein Obama leading a raid that killed Osama Bin Laden would cause such excitement in our world.

It's been a long time coming, right?

Strangely when I saw the headline scroll across I didn't feel overly jubilant. War has never really excited me, but I'm certainly not liberal enough to say that Bin Laden deserved a day in court.

Not my call, but a bullet through the head seems appropriate. Even more suffering wouldn't be out of hand. Good riddance. Tell Hitler we said hello.

No, instead a couple of other things came to mind.

First off, I thought back to 09/11/01. It's impossible not to do. It wasn't so much the images that stuck yesterday, but that old, sick feeling in the pit of my stomach that swelled again. Horrific. Horrible. On the verge of throwing up as the stories came out.

It was a day that changed everything. A day that will never be forgotten and it has nothing to do with the 'Don't Ever Forget' stickers. As a human being, as a United States citizen during that day, you just can't forget.

Yet frustration surely followed. Why couldn't we find this guy? Where was our intelligence? Why did we always kill the number two guy while the number one guy made tapes mocking us?

It seemed to be a perfect strike yesterday. The genius of the plan being that it happened on a Sunday. Bin Laden probably just finished up his pasta and was probably awaiting the season finale of The Simpsons. He most certainly wasn't expecting Navy Seals at the door.

Yet the 2nd thing that struck me was the fact that I had to listen to Rush some time today because there has to be an explanation, right? Somehow, someway, this has to be a grave mistake by Obama or a fact of simply lucking into the capture and killing.

Surely after Rush digs into this it will all be about channeling our inner-Reagan, or taking a suggestion from Palin, or the idea really came from Bush who came up with the hiding spot while clearing brush at his Texas ranch.

Obama has had a good week, huh?

First he proves his American citizenship by finally showing his birth certificate and then he cements it by killing Bin Laden.

In any regard it certainly isn't Democrat versus Republican here.

It's American Justice.

It's for the three thousand or so victims...which when you break it down is about hundreds of millions of other casualties.

The wars aren't over.

No reason to believe we are celebrating that, but when the wicked witch bought the farm there was surely celebration in the Land of Oz, right?


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