Do You Know What I'm Saying?

Big News from here...okey-dokey, or okie-dokie, or oakie-dokie...has been upended by the new phrase that drives me absolutely crazy...

"Do You Know What I'm Saying?"

I was listening to Howard yesterday and some guy named Flavor Flav (Me doubts that it is his God-Given name) was being interviewed about something yesterday. I'm not quite sure what Mr. Flav does, but it hardly matters because I didn't learn a damn thing about him because all of his sentences started with a "Woo-Hoo, Howard," and ended with the phrase, "You know what I'm saying?"

I finally got tired of what he was saying and flipped the station to the all baseball, all day channel.

Advertisement: Get Sirius's the best.

Anyway, it seems that all the cRAPPERS, who put out cRAP music wonder if we know what it is that they are saying, and it drives me up the freaking wall. When you can count someone saying the same thing over and over and over again in a 3 minute interview, you really have to wonder about how and why they are being interviewed in the first place. What redeeming factor is there in listening to such garbage?

Mr. Flavor didn't disappoint, however. I learned he has 7 children and that his drug problem ran him about $2600 a day but that crack is awesome, you know what I'm saying, but that he had to get rid of the habit so he could produce his art, you know what I'm saying because it's all about getting paid, you know what I'm saying?

Also, yesterday, wanting to smarten it up a little I listened to a political talk show. Not sure why I went there to smarten things up, but they are starting to interview potential presidential candidates two years before the office is up for election and you just know I won't be able to get enough of that.

Sarah Palin was on.

She makes Flavor Flav look like a Rhodes Scholar...all together know what I'm saying.

Anyway, she was talking about her run for president because the country really needs her to reverse the spiraling direction we are in and in a two-minute interview she used the phrase:

I have a fire in my belly

Five times!

In fact she said, "I have a raging fire in my belly," twice.

Are you freaking kidding me with this candidate? Is there someone really willing, outside of her husband's snowmobile club, to vote for her to run the country? She failed as governor. She can't string five coherent sentences together, and she did lousy in school.

Oh right, we might vote for her...Dubya "won" twice, right?

That's all from here today. I have a raging fire in my belly that tells me that we need to think about the brilliant people we are interviewing and really wonder about why it is we are interviewing them in the first place.

And how can I end the blog with any other sentence than:

You know what I'm saying?


Anonymous said…
You are start to sound like my DAD.
Do you know what I am saying??
Cliff Fazzolari said…
Yeah, Gag...I ought to be a real joy to be around in 20 or 30 years.

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