Whole New Meaning to Don't Drop the Soap

So poor old Lindsay is going to jail. At least there is that chance, huh?

She certainly looks fetching though, doesn't she? Her last few appearances have been wonderful. Better than her movies.

And it makes me wonder about her crackpot mother and her goofy freaking father. Are they helping her or just trying to figure out how they can scam a little more money out of her?

And where does she go from here?

I'm thinking that the Fazzolari's ought to open the door for her. I'm going to see if Kathy will go for the idea of adopting her. We can have her around the house, just looking good, helping with the laundry, that sort of thing.

I'm certain that the boys would go for it.

Then again, it may be more trouble than what it's worth, right? She'd probably rob us blind, and drink all of the grey goose that I have left from Christmas. Besides a lot of my buddies would be stopping by unannounced to catch a glimpse.

Hasn't she been in jail before?

Ah well, what a shame. Perhaps she can hook up with Charlie Sheen. Can you imagine what those parties would turn into?

The judge should sentence them to live together until one of them kills the other one.

I don't have much more to say. I just had to name my blog that after I saw the photo and thought about her heading off to jail.


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