The Goddesses

So I heard a long interview with Charlie Sheen today. He appeared on the Howard Stern Show to tell his side of the story.

Man, my head was spinning.

First off, Charlie is a likable guy. That is what has made him capable of living his sordid life of debauchery. He is also hard not to root for because he is actually pretty funny.

The problem is...he really is a sick man.

The entire campaign that he is on now is to clear his name. The more he talks, the sadder it becomes...unless you're Charlie.

Currently he is sober. His rehab has gone well because he made up his mind not to do drugs anymore. A lot of people who suffer from addiction find this hard to believe, but Charlie laughs at that...because he believes he has tiger blood and that he is better than all of those who have suffered before him.

As for women. He currently lives in the same bedroom with two women. They each have their own bed, and they wait for Charlie to make his decision each night as to who he will grace with his presence that evening. There is no jealousy because there is love all around.


Two women? Both living as wives? No jealousy? No problems living each day with a pair of women?

I have to talk to him about that. I have half the woman population here and things don't seem to be running as smoothly as his relationship with his porn goddesses.

I wonder if Kathy would go with such an arrangement...probably not, I'm thinking. Besides it took me years to fool the hell can I fool another? Like Charlie I'd probably have to pay an hourly rate.

Yet what strikes me most about Charlie is that he is like a 15 year old. He speaks of drinking and partying and hanging with different women as though he got stuck as an adolescent and that we will all think he's so cute, and so much better off than we are as people who live, love and cherish the relationships that are real and tangible.

The real thing about it is that we all went through such a stage in our lives. I rather enjoyed being irresponsible and partying until I couldn't stand up. Then I grew up. (Most of the time).

Charlie's point is that he is winning at life. He has all the money in the world. Why shouldn't he drink until he pukes, do women of all shapes and sizes, and live as though he were the president of all things hell?

I don't know. There is a certain pang of longing as I listen to him. Sure would be fun not to care about anything or anyone but my own selfish interests.

But isn't that lonely?

Charlie has to admit, somewhere deep inside, away from the tortured feelings of his eternal childhood, that there is a loneliness there that he is running from. He has five children.

Doesn't he want to, at least, act like more of an adult for their benefit?

Guess it doesn't matter if you have tiger blood coursing through your veins.


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