
I've needed a new computer for quite some time now. Just the thinking part. My monitor and keyboard and such have been replaced through the years, but the old computer was so freaking sllllllllllooooooowwwwww.

Still, I wouldn't do it. No matter how much I wanted to, I wouldn't bite the bullet and buy a new one and its not because I couldn't find a deal, or that I didn't want the comfort of something that runs a little faster.

It was because I was dreading the changes.

The menus would change. How I clicked the buttons to save the file....all of it. Change, change, change.

I hate change. My boys hate change. My freaking dogs hate it too.

So, my beautiful wife did it on an impulse. She went out, while I was working and bought a new computer. She seemed hesitant to announce it even.

I couldn't exactly grumble about a change that was going to make my life easier, could I?

Yet that is the rub of being truly mentally ill. As Kathy worked to hook everything up, I sort of looked for ways to sabotage the process believing that change is bad.

I wasn't mean and I sort of grunted as she tried to show things, but I wasn't all out accepting either because while she understands that in the long run things will be unbelievably better...I have to hold onto the past as though that computer and I went through high school together.

And now that I'm thinking about it, I am getting a little sentimental. I wrote at least four books on that computer.

Perhaps this new one won't have the same talents. Maybe I will never write again.

It seems better. It thinks faster, but is it really as good.

My God, I hope she didn't throw the old one out!


deafjeff said…
I remember that word processor with the green screen in the boiler room up at the mansion. Damn that one was really slow!

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