Soaking Rain

The rain is coming down, hard and cold. It's battering the window outside my room, and I woke at the usual time - around five - thought about the fact that I could sleep until noon if I wanted to, knowing that I don't have such a capability in my bag of tricks.

Thankfully my wife forgot to turn her alarm off and it blared through the house, getting me out of bed for the day. There will be hell to pay later on.

I tried to coax the dogs out into the relentless rain, thinking hard about the fact that the day I dread - March 4th - is in the rear view mirror...364 days until I am thrust back into that funk.

And sadly, it was a horrific week for me. Too busy, too tired, too sore. Too aggravated to put in the same sort of driven effort of all of the days that are behind me.

And I thought of the people that I still have on my side in this battle. I heard from all that I love yesterday...beeps signalling e-mails, Facebook messages and texts, from those wanting to share their love and their pain.

When I got home there were notes from my publisher and a couple of glittering reviews about the book. People sharing their love of my love. Friends and strangers alike...reaching out.

It's what life is about.

It was why I shut off the Charlie Sheen interview last night and read a little before turning in. Too many people just don't get it. Too many people are glorified for bad behavior.

While I certainly don't get it every minute of every day, I know what love feels like when it's out there.

Through the soaking, cold rain, I can still find it in all its glory. In the eyes of my friends, in the touch of my wife, in the silliness of my children, in the caring of strangers who lend a hand. In the bravery of those that fight for freedom, and stand up for a cause.

When the soaking rain is coming down and shows no signs of letting up, there is still a warmness out there, and it will thaw the deep freeze that makes us feel so alone in this messed-up, fucked-up world.


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