Weekend Warrior

Is it any wonder that I'm in the shape I'm in?

I had a nice, healthy weekend - I ate like a human, kept the drinks to a minimum and did a ton of hard work - around my yard, planting my father's garden, and swinging the golf club.

I could feel the burn, as they say.

And today? I feel like hell - my legs each seem to weigh about 200 pounds, my back is barking a little - and I just feel run down.

So, what the hell are you supposed to do? You don't work the muscles and you feel sluggish and bloated. You work them and you can hardly walk the next few days, let alone climbing ladders.

And golf is a whole 'nother story - the first three weeks was a classic show of not being able to drive the ball off the tee. Yesterday I didn't miss-hit even one drive - and everything else turned to crap. I chipped and putted as though I were missing the particular parts of my brain that controls those actions.

It's the classic tale of the weekend warrior at the age of 44 - I can't do anything even as well as I used to - and the pain in routine movements is enough to keep me from trying to exercise anything anymore.

One of my good buddies, Jeff Popple once told me - "Screw it! I'm going to see how big I can get."

Today I'm right there with you, Pops.


deafjeff said…
Holy cow am I waaaay ahead of you. I had a pound of pasta and 4 beers for dinner. I bet I shoot 40 today.

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