Angel Encounters

There's a new book coming out by author Kathryn Radeff. It's called Angel Encounters and in it she includes the story of one Jake Fazzolari. She compiled information from Counting On A Miracle, asked me for permission, and is telling the story in the context of her own book.

It's real strange sometimes when I think about the fact that things I've written have been included in other books. The letter I wrote about 9/11 that was published in a few newspapers on September 12, 2001 has also been used in a book about terrorism.

Of course, six months ago, I would have flipped for such promotion for the books. I would have charged ahead, trying hard to get everyone to read not only what I'd written, but what was also written about me.

Now - I just don't care.

Of course, I wish the author good fortune and I certainly believe in every word I've ever had published, but it doesn't seem to matter much to me now.

Wishing and striving for fame, fortune, recognition is no longer a strong pursuit. That may very well be what is missing the most - I'm content now to just participate in life.

I'll never stop writing, but the purpose of doing it has certainly been clearly defined.

Then again...who the hell knows.


You better keep writing! You are a big part of my life, and you're writing has been a HUGE part of helping me figure out who I am and what I believe... it wasn't so long ago in Mountain View where we stayed up til all hours of the night discussing characters! You're helping people - that's your fortune, that's your fame. You are a very big success - and a millionaire in my book big brother!
Larry L said…
As I have said before you have a gift. You may feel you have not had fame and fortune but I promise you your books have meant a lot to me.

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