Working on a Dream

Downloaded the new Springsteen song yesterday and I have to fight myself to not listen to it so much, but I love the idea of working on a dream - climbing the ladder, swinging the hammer, and whistling while he works - all of it. Kind of thought I might find it listenable.

Which brings me around to the pre-winter clean-up. If I were pregnant, and some have speculated that I am, I might be doing what is considered as nesting. In any regard, I cleaned the 'fridge, cleaned the junk food cupboard, and finished up the laundry - just like Kevin in my previous post - as pointed out by my sister and brother - I enjoyed the tasks. I even went grocery shopping to re-stock the shelves that I cleaned.

Then I turned my attention to the room that is brought into the conversation each and every time Kathy and I have what could be considered an argument - the storage room.

As stated daily in this blog - I hate clutter and the storage room has always been cluttered. Over the course of our marriage the room has been cleaned about ten times - the rest of the time it becomes cluttered - and my wife would be the first to admit, she's the culprit.

The room holds boxes of old clothes for the kids, and she saves them like it's her religion. Whenever a new niece or nephew needs a sock, my wife will go into the room and tip over each and every box looking for that sock -and when she finds it - she shuts off the light and leaves the room in utter chaos.

I told her that I was going to install a camera so we can watch her go absolutely apeshit in the room.

Anyway, today it is clutter-free. Not clean, mind you, but picked up enough so that I don't consider hanging myself with one of the old onesies.

The dream is becoming clearer and less cluttered.

Just swinging the hammer.


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