How 'Bout this Weather?

A couple of weeks back I met a guy on a job site for the very first time. From the moment we shook hands until the moment we parted company he bitched and moaned about everything under the sun. He cried about how hard he was working, the lack of cooperation he was getting on the site, the color of his coffee after the waitress added cream, and the company that I was representing. Now usually I'm an easy enough guy to get along with, but slowly and surely, he got on my nerves.

"What'd you shit the bed this morning?" I finally asked him.
"Ah, don't mind me," he said. "I enjoy making myself miserable. Besides, who do you know that's happy?"

I talked to a few other people who met this man and they all said the same thing - he just hates being alive.

Well, it's 70 degrees here in Buffalo today. I saw a couple of people moving around in shorts. In the past week I've gone from the Carhartt to no coat at all. It's Friday; the dogs are happy; the kids are always moving around. What is there not to be happy about?

Yet it amazes me that there never seems to be enough good in life to please some of the people. Perhaps that is why we (as a race) drink too much, eat too much, do drugs, gamble, watch pornos, and (if we are a governor) chase hookers.

What are we trying to get into our lives? Chaos?

To be fair, I've done a few things on the above list, but besides shoveling pasta this weekend, I've decided that its time to stop and smell the roses - no small feat in November in Buffalo, NY.

Let that other guy bitch.


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