Gag is 60

My buddy Gag turned 60.


We met when I was 17 and we hung out every day of my freshman year in college.

We had lunch together - he ate a peanut butter sandwich every day - and we played hundreds and hundreds of games of backgammon.

Talked sports, and girls, and drank beer and laughed.

Then Gag left Gannon and I spent the next 3 years going through college without my buddy.

We picked up the friendship again in the 20’s and have been constant friends for decades.

The Yankees were in Philly to help Gag celebrate his birthday and although his beautiful wife Suzanne invited me to the game…

…I couldn’t make it because of the job change, but I texted Gag in the afternoon and mentioned that I had arranged for Aaron Judge to hit a homer for him.

“Lol,” he texted back. “Not off of Wheeler.”

Wheeler is a great pitcher and I figured my buddy was probably right, but I couldn’t back down.

“Here comes you present,” I said, as Judge strolled to the plate.

Only took 3 pitches - as soon as Judge made contact, I sent the text:

“There you go! Happy Birthday!!”

“We’ll get that back,” Gag responded.

“Actually, I just spoke to Judge again. He said he’s going to hit another one for you.”

I got another LOL.

Three innings later, I was texting again:

“There you go! Happy Birthday from me and Aaron!”

Two homers.

A 14-4 Yankees win.

Can’t believe so much time has passed.

But what a great friendship…

…and I got a little bit of revenge because we were playing backgammon to 1,000.

I lost…

…like 1,000 to 994.

He’s never let me forget it.

Happy Birthday, buddy.

Here’s to 60 more!


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