I have a confession to make: I listen to Sean Spicer do his White House Briefings every day. He has the absolute worst job in the history of politics, and I find his daily struggling to be almost comical. Confession number 2: I kind of like the guy. He tries his best to answer questions that are almost unanswerable and my favorite part of each day's briefing is when he finishes his prepared statement that is usually well-written and talks about the rights and wrongs of society and how the group is handling the challenges. I can see why Saturday Night Live plucked his daily briefings for comedy gold. Poor Spicey will say something like: "The president yesterday met with ____ to discuss the global policies that shift toward peace and care and overall happiness in a difficult time." Then he hesitates and takes a huge gulp, straining for air. "Now I'll take some questions." The first reporter will say: "There was just a tweet about