2019 - That’s A Wrap!
Here at Camp Clifford we had a pretty trying year. Kathy’s accident - struck from behind by a driver who never touched her brake - dominated our day-to-day. We’re hoping the recovery continues. Slow and steady. So, that’s the way we end 2019... ...good riddance. But I’ve always wanted to move the story forward. It’s true of writing and it’s true of life... ...keep building. Keep an eye on what happened, but accept the new realities and build on them. So, what do I really want of 2020? 1). Some national stability. The chaos has to end. Three years of petty, constant, incessant drama has sucked. There are people who thrive on chaos. There are leaders who create chaos to see what happens... ...it drives me crazy. I love order. I live for routine. I like control and structure. We haven’t had it. There’s an impeachment on the horizon. Chaos will rule the day for a while longer. So, I’ll try and stay above that fray because it was making me mental. 2). Some rest.