How Do I Dress?
On Monday morning it was freezing. I had headed out to the car in a hoodie that I soon was wearing beneath my winter coat. “Bah!” I yelled as the wind creased my forehead. And speaking of wind I was called to visit a job where better than 60 mph winds took off the facade of a building that was being restored. Thank God no one was underneath. But by mid-day Monday I had removed the hoodie - wore just the jacket. By the time I got back home, I barely needed the hoodie. Decided to leave all three coats in the car... ...Tuesday morning I was in just a shirt. No jacket required. “Feels good,” I said to one of the guys. “A foot of snow in the southern tier on Thursday,” he said. “Come on!” “5 to 7 inches in the city,” the guy said. So, essentially 30 degrees to near 70 and back down to what? 25??? All in the matter of a couple of days? Man, March is weird. We played golf two weeks ago and I need a snow shovel before the end of the week? Yet it will stabilize here shortly... ...the Yankees op