25 Questions

The new job - which is supposed to just be the old job - with a new company - isn’t quite as easy as it sounds because there is change and I know my mind.

I struggle when there is work to do and no way to get it done before the end of the day.

Yet, meeting new people and trying to communicate who the hell I am is also a chore.

I received an email that asked me 25 questions. Some were easy - favorite sports team or favorite family tradition.

In any regard, I zipped through them and I mentioned the exercise to Kathy.

“Give me the questions,” she said. “I bet I know what you answered.”

She didn’t get a single one wrong.

She answered my questions exactly as I did, including the 4 people, living or dead I’d have dinner with.

“Bruce, your Mom, Dad and Jeff.”

I laughed.

“And you’d be eating linguine and clams.”

“That’s about it,” I said.

I worked hard yesterday trying to get the contracts in order, so hard in fact that the new department head asked me if I had a team of people helping me.

“We don’t have to do everything today,” he said.

He doesn’t understand me as well as Kathy does.

I sat on the couch in the evening.

“It’s driving you crazy isn’t it?” Kathy asked. “Everything seems disorganized.”


Guess I’m easy to read.


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