Happy Anniversary to Us!
In another episode of time flies… …today is the anniversary of our wedding day. Twenty-Six Years ago, we stood in centerfield at the North Collins Town Park and we vowed to stay together. Through thick and thin. It really rained hard that day. All day long! Every Springsteen song ever was played at the reception and we set off on a hell of an experience. A baby arrived two weeks later! Which prompted me to say: “We don’t even have the thank-you cards out from the wedding!” Jake was sick early in his life and we battled through together. We suffered through death of our loved ones. But we also laughed a lot through the years and shared so many great days. A lot goes into a long-term marriage. We watched a lot of couples fall by the way side and I guess the words of Bruce in our wedding song was the overriding theme. “I’ll wait for you, and should I fall behind, wait for me.” A beautiful sentiment that is not always so easily achieved. Each person lags behind from time-to-time. That’s ju