One of the things in this life that I rather enjoy is when people band together to really help other people. I was listening to a story about St. Jude's Children Hospital as well as the Ronald McDonald House. I also had the chance to see the kid in the wheelchair throwing out the first pitch at the Boston Suck Sox game. I really liked the kid. Even though he was talking to Pedro. Even if he was wearing a B on his shirt. And there's so much crap, right? Amanda Bynes - I wrote about her yesterday. LeBron James - "I know I'm great. I wanna' get greater. If that's possible." Douche Armstrong. "I'd start my 'I'm sorry tour', but I don't know that I really cheated." And on and on and on. Meanwhile there are people who give their time and money away and don't look for thanks. Granted Bill Gates is doing okay, but do something weird sometimes and look up how much he's given to charity. Billions. He do