We Broke the Record

In 1878 it was 68 degrees on March 10th here in Buffalo, New York.

Yesterday we hit 70 degrees.

Exciting stuff.

And in all reality, it was a great day to wander around construction sites.

I was down to a tee-shirt by early afternoon and everyone was in a grand mood.

Picked up my golf ball and dreamed about a tee time.

Not yet!

There is snow in the forecast for next week, but it got me thinking about how the weather kind of changes everyone’s mood.

Of course, I lived in San Jose for eight months and the weather was the same every day and I missed the rain.

So there’s something to be said for that first warm spring day, or the surprise 70 degree day that we had in November.

Things are looking up, right?

The Covid numbers are down. 

The Dow set a record.

$1400 is on the way for a lot of hurting Americans.

Millions are being vaccinated every day.

And there aren’t any hate tweets coming on a daily basis.

Everything feels better when the sun is shining.

Yet all is not rosy around here. I’m having sleeping problems!

I’ve had to travel and believe it or not, the cat has separation anxiety. He’s excited when I come home...

...and he shows how happy he is...

...three or four times a night, by yodeling to wake me up.

Then he jumps onto the bed and huddles close.

It gets better when I’m home for a couple of nights but on the warm day...

...the record setting day...

...I walked around like a bit of a zombie.

Sleep depravation because of the damn cat!

So, that’s the news and the weather from Camp Clifford...

...we’ll be opening for the summer soon.

I wonder how they celebrated back in 1878.


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