Happy Birthday to My Beautiful Wife

I do a lot of listening when I’m on the road, eavesdropping in on people, for some reason, calculating diversity, that sort of thing.

I was at the gate in Washington for a short layover at Dulles.

I counted 6 white people, 4 Asian people, 8 black people and a family from Indian descent. They were fairly close to me, and their young boy was playing with matchbox cars.

The young couple was chatting about their upcoming month.

A busy time for them.

They were gonna’ look at houses and were discussing space and how their kids needed their own rooms.

We were all heading to the New England area so I assume that’s where they were going to buy their home.

As the wife described what she needed to survive, the guy looked in my direction and despite the mask I could tell he was smiling.

“We could build a palace,” he said.

His wife playfully slapped him.

Made me think of being young, and all of those battles.

Made me consider my beautiful wife and how today is her birthday.

“It goes fast,” I said to the guy. “Stay together through it all.”

We have had to battle a lot of things.

Kathy has had a brutal year and if she has, so have I.

But here we are.

Battled through life changes.

And a busy day and time for me...

...but we will celebrate today...


...and we will make decisions together.

We haven’t ever lived in a palace, but we’ve done all right.

To my beautiful wife!

Happy Birthday!

No NCAA games on today!

So, we will have time to treat you right.

Love ❤️ you.

Happy we have battled all of this together.

We’ll be all right.

As Bowie said when his wife posed a question about the future.

“As long as there’s me...

...as long as there’s you.”


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