Never Enough

Chris Collins net worth is said to be in the neighborhood of $600 million dollars. He was in the group of congressmen who worked hard to bring tax relief to the top 1%.

That tax plan was sold as a huge relief for hardworking Americans because the money would trickle down.

Didn’t quite work out that way. Research shows that most of those companies bought back their own stock.


This ain’t about politics.

It’s about the mindset of having $600 million and standing accused of trading information to save money or make money.

When is enough enough?

Never appears to be that answer.

You hear about the top 1% a lot...

...controlling the majority of the dollars.

Yet, when do you stop and think:

“I’m all set. I’m going to give back, or just have some fun.”

Never appears to be that answer as well.

I’ve known some millionaires.

One family that was undeniably well off was the biggest mess of a family I’d ever seen.

The children were afraid of the father. They certainly had little respect for him.

As employers they treated their employees like garbage, and as far as I could tell their main drive wasn’t about making more money, but about controlling people’s lives.

When the father died, the son took over, and his time as leader was short-lived because he simply took as much as he could and shut the whole thing down.

Before it ended I watched him call his secretary “a fat, stupid slob.”

He fired a man who was suffering from cancer, and needed just one more year to make it to retirement. The millionaire fired the janitor in front of 25 people.

The millionaire did it to show everyone that he was in charge.

The last year of that man’s life was spent jumping from job to job as he tried to survive.

Recently I read an article about a man who works in an organization owned by Jeff Bezos.

Bezos is a multi-billionaire.

The man I was reading about started a Go-Fund me to try and save his family after a medical emergency.

Bezos hasn’t kicked in.

His employee will die broke and the man’s family will live in squalor.

When is enough enough?


Chris Collins will now face a possible prison term.

With that much money he most likely won’t ever see the inside of a jail cell.

Must be nice, huh?

I recall learning about the fall of the Roman Empire. I don’t remember which of my teachers said it, but she boiled the reason for the fall down to one word:


Is that what we’re watching now?

Sure feels that way.

If it’s all true, Collins earned a nice, long prison term.

I won’t hold my breath waiting for it to happen.


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