
There are an awful lot of angry posts about people living in poverty (many of them work 2 or 3 jobs) and collecting government assistance in an effort to keep their heads above water.

“Make them take drug tests!”

“They’re living off my tax money!”

One guy wrote a post recently about a man who was buying beer on a workday.

“Why doesn’t he have a job!” The guy wrote in a rage-filled Facebook post.

Somehow the rich people have convinced many in the working class that the poor are the cause of the money problems...

...here’s a secret.

The people with zero money aren’t the ones crippling us.

It’s the ones who make millions and steal millions more who are doing it...

...and they’re the ones screaming about the poor!!

Chris Collins, the GOP senator from Western New York was arrested yesterday. When I received the news alert, I laughed.

Now I’m not sure that’s a Christian response to another man’s problems, but if you’ve ever listened to that self-righteous, all-knowing, pompous man speak...

...well...karma is a bitch.

Yet, I was also a tad annoyed.

We send these people off to congress and they treat it like a shopping spree.

They roll their carts down the center of the aisle and shovel as much money as they can into their bottomless shopping cart.


Collins has certainly spent a lot of hours bashing the FBI and the justice Department. I have no doubt that he will be screaming about this as another witch hunt and he’ll blame it on the deep state or the angry democrats or Clinton’s emails.

Perhaps he should not make phone calls from the White House picnic area to tip off friends and relatives about an inside stock tip...

...but facts don’t seem to matter when you’re screaming “witch hunt” and getting people to believe it.


The people who arrested him weren’t appointed by Democrats.


He made those calls to his son and his son dumped the stock.


There are now people in his party saying that they’d rather vote for a Russian over a Democrat.

Collins is most likely hoping that he gets a pardon, and he might.

Donald will tell us what a good man that Collins is, and that it was just business. I mean what does collusion, crime, fraud or conspiracy really mean anyway?

Trump University was fraud.

What’s a few million in fraud anyway?

Just business, right?

Yet, somehow, some people in the middle class don’t seem bothered much by men in suits stealing a million here or a million there.

“He’s a businessman!”

But if John Q. Public buys a bag of chips on a benefits card:

“Why do they buy chips with their public assistance card??”

Betsy Devos has 10 yachts.

She deserves those, I guess.

Well, I laughed.

It does my heart good to see a big shot get busted down...

...especially when he looks down his fraudulent nose at the people he’s supposed to be representing.



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