A Little Lost

The Catholic Church was a huge part of my childhood.

I went to Catholic grammar school. I was an altar boy for a long, long time. I worked for the priest, cleaning weeds out of the cemetery. The nuns beat me pretty solidly, but when I look back on my Catholic school years...

...I feel good about it.

No weird stories.

But when I left for college, we met a couple of priests who seemed way off. My college buddies and I were texting back and forth about it.

It was absolutely sickening to think about it...

...and it occurred to me that I haven’t been to church quite as often as I have in past years.

Why would I go?

There was a large crowd of pedophiles with clear access to children.

I was lucky!

These men were preying on children and when they were discovered the sins were covered up.

Bill Maher said it best.

If you knew that hundreds of kids were being abused at Jiffy lube would you go back?

And give them money every week?

What did they do with the money that they received in the plate?

Pay off lawsuits?

Why would I go confess my sins and take a penance from a child molester?

The cardinal from the Pennsylvania area was on television last night:

“We were very proactive in making sure that this was handled properly?”


Sticking to that story?

The Pope wrote a scathing letter, but have you ever heard this:

We are sorry????

I still didn’t hear that!

I hear men downplaying it, justifying it and sweeping it under the rug.


But you know what?

It’s confusing!

The guilt they sold me...

...hangs with me.

“Behave or you’ll go to hell!” They told me.

I feel like I should be in church each week...

...I just don’t have the stomach to return.


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