Stand for Something

Or fall for anything.

If you are against a president cheating on his wife with an intern... should probably also frown upon a president who lies about paying off a porn star after their affair.

If you were all up in arms about Jimmy Carter owning a peanut farm while serving... should bother you that China is paying $500 million to the businessman.

If there is a 4-year investigation on one politician...

...there shouldn’t be any complaining about a one-year review.

Yet, we live in a time in place where there is a true divide.

Totally against abortion...

...but vote against policies that might help a child?

Messages should be consistent.

And I know that you can look at something from a different angle and make it fit your narrative, but some things should be set in stone.

You really shouldn’t cherry pick which part of the Bible works for you if religion is your thing.

The constitution also has more than the just one amendment too.

We have certainly seen some of our long-standing principles challenged.

In fact, chaos was the desired result of some who voted in the last election, but it’s important to stand up for what you truly believe.

I certainly take some flack for some of my opinions...(I have a lot)

...but here’s the thing:

I’ve always been true to them!

My brother-in-law, Chuck and I have been arguing about some things for years.

But I know where he stands and he knows where I stand, and we are good with the tiny differences.

I bring this all up because the moral compass seems to have a spinning needle these days.

If you don’t believe that our country should be sold to the highest bidder...

...that shouldn’t ever change.

There’s a lot going on right now.

Men who dedicate their lives to law and order usually stand up for justice.

It has to stay that way.

Or we may all fall...

For a con.


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