Memorial Day

I’ve always enjoyed the Memorial Day Weekend.

Parades as a child, planting Dad and Grandpa’s garden, ribs and chicken on the grill, thinking of the country, and feeling great pride.

The summer has always felt like America to me.

From Memorial Day to the 4th of July. I’ve always felt great pride to be a free man in a country where we stand for something.

Forgive me, but I’m not feeling that way this year.

A story broke about immigrant families who applied for, and are seeking help...

...are being turned away.

Their children are being taken from them. Some of those kids are less than 5 years old, but that’s not all.

These kids, who were to be kept in detention centers without their Mom and Dad, were somehow lost.

1500 of them are unaccounted for.

These weren’t people sneaking in.

They were requesting help, from America.

“We’re closed!” Trump announced.

I’m not proud of that stance, and there are some intent on changing the principles on which we stand.

Add all of it up.

No more helping the downtrodden. Protests are no longer allowed. Tax breaks are for the rich only. If you’re gay...forget it.

You don’t count.

“Just stop listening to it,” was the advice I received from my wife. “There’s nothing. You can do.”

And it seems there isn’t, but I feel that eventually justice will prevail, but think of this:

There are young children sitting in a detention center, crying for their parents, and there are Americans who are good with that.

This Memorial Day, we are all sitting here, reacting to misspelled tweets that are filled with lies as one man holds the truth and justice hostage in an effort to hide the connections between his campaign and the country who attacked our election.

The rules of law are being challenged. Words like spy and deep state are being tossed around in an effort to muddy the waters.

That’s sincerely where we are.

Pride is in short supply.

Shame isn’t.

But being American isnt for the meek.

Justice will prevail.

And that makes me want to celebrate the men and women who went off to fight for the country that is being shaken to the core.


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