Lava and Quicksand

When we were all kids there was definitely a fear of lava swimming through the streets, or coming around a corner and stepping in quicksand that slowly buried us up to our neck.

Thankfully, like dinosaurs or dragons...

...that stuff turned out to be not quite as prevalent as we’d worried about.

But man, I certainly shuddered when I saw the video of the burning lava as it flowed (and is still flowing) in Hawaii.

People are using their homes.

The earth is shaking and quaking, and the burning hot lava is bringing back all of those childhood fears.

What a scary deal, huh?

And we moan about the cold!

Snow can be shoveled out of the driveway...

...lava isn’t so easily moved.

And what happens once it all calms down?

Could you ever feel truly confident that the world won’t shift on you?

I think I’d get the hell out of Dodge.

I also thought about those poor people who were allowed an hour to go back in and get some of their things.

Do you know what you’d grab?

I think I do...

...and it’s not the material things.

It’s the photos on the wall...

...the things that connect us to other people.

When I was a kid I was afraid of three things:

Jellyfish, lava and quicksand.

I’ve made it 53 and a half years without facing any of them...

...50 more to go and I’ll be home free!

God Bless those people.

What a horrible deal!


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