Speak English!

New York City “lawyer” Aaron Schlossberg went on an absolute rant inside a New York restaurant where an employee was speaking Spanish with a customer.

I put lawyer in quotes because it appears that isn’t a member of the New York bar even though he advertises as such.

He’s getting what he deserves, if you ask me...

...and there was a whole lot going on in the way of protests outside his office.

The landlord has also tossed him out.

There are a whole lot of people enraged, and that brings some hope, but the deeper you dig into it, the  less I feel good about it.

Because the loud-mouth lawyer was speaking for a lot of other people.

“These aren’t people, these are animals,” the leader of the rabid racists said.

Look, there are animals in every race of people. Think Ted Bundy, Timothy McVeigh, Dylan Roof, the Vegas shooter...

...and on and on and on.

I particularly love the “I pay for your welfare” aspect of the rant.

Maybe his tax dollars didn’t actually go towards welfare, but say, golf carts for weekend get-aways.


I’ve said it before.

My favorite part of visiting New York City is in seeing the people from all over the world.

Chinese, Japanese, Mexicans, Middle East, Far East.

It’s been a mess lately because the lines are being blurred with talk that is meant to ignite an interior war.

America is a melting pot.

There are people living here who speak German, Polish, Spanish, Italian, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese and English.

It’s not a crime to speak to a Spanish customer in Spanish.

We’re free!

The “attorney” was also free to sound off.

He stated his case.

He used all the tired old lines:

“Go back to your country! This is my country!!”

Being an American isn’t about being racist, nasty, or belligerent.

It’s not about enriching yourself at the expense of others, or taking as much as you can get your hands on.

Rather, it’s about living free and caring for others.

Some have forgotten that.

But the tide is turning.

Hope so anyway.


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