
This presidential election is really something.

There is a whole bunch of nastiness going on every single day.

It is certainly more so pronounced on the GOP side where The Donald says something noteworthy (I guess) every single day.

He pissed off the Pope yesterday.

But this is not a Donald post.

This one is about Jeb.

Poor Jeb.

I'm really, really, really feeling bad for the guy...

...and I'm not a fan of any of the Bush clan.

But Jeb just looks so uncomfortable to me.

Like his skin just doesn't fit.

Trump isn't doing him any favors whatsoever, but Bush has just stepped into one pile of poop after another.

He debated Trump about how nastiness couldn't win you the presidency.

Trump said:

"I'm at 42% and you're at 3% so it's working so far."

Jeb looked lost completely after those words sunk in.

Then he brought his Mom out to stump for him.

He tried to look like a normal guy and mentioned that he was happy because he found out that he was his Mom's favorite.

She said:

"You're not my favorite."

Poor Jeb.

He made a speech one day about keeping America safe.

He finished his impassioned speech.

His audience just sat there.

"Please clap," he said.

And every single time I see him...he looks lost...completely lost.

He is trying though and the lobby money is behind him (As Trump has reminded everyone every single chance he gets).

Then Jeb tweeted a picture of a gun.

He included one word:


The number of mass shootings is widely debated and of course, the gun can't just shoot itself, but tweeting a photo of a gun with your name on it and claiming that it's 'America' can also be considered a misstep.

Jeb shrugged.

He didn't know the tweet went out.

But here's the real kicker:

Jeb had a website for his run to the presidency.

His people forgot to pay the fee associated.

Know what happened?

Trump bought it out from under Poor Jeb.

Now, every time someone tries to go to the Jeb website...

...they are re-routed to the Donald.

That's just epic.

Poor Jeb.


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