Trip Out West-Part 4- The Hoover Dam


What an absolutely amazing site the Hoover Dam is.

We had a great drive from Tempe to Vegas, filled with gorgeous glances in most every direction, but nothing set us up for the Hoover Dam experience.

"We should stop, right?" Kathy asked.

"Of course!"

We didn't know quite what to do but we paid to pull into a lot and then we just walked down to where we saw other people walking.

(I will post some photos later - posting on small devices is beyond me) but the first photo I saw was of the mascot, dog, who lost his life during the building of the dam.

I read about the dog and then began scanning the area...and that's when I got the full wallop. The project started in 1931 and finished up two years ahead of schedule in 1936.


When you look at're just blown away by that simple fact.

And I thought of the men and the hours and the danger and the sweat, blood and tears that went into doing something that would benefit this country forever.

Immigrants and "regular" Americans working side-by-side.

Could that even be accomplished today?

Make America Great Again?

Hard work and togetherness...

...the flag flying high.

It was crazy to just stand there.

And feel so insignificant in the grand scheme of things.

If you haven't been there...


Maybe what we need to be great again is to all get in our cars and appreciate what made us great.


...not bitterness.


...not hate.

Working as one in government...

...instead of mocking the guy who is talking.

The Hoover Dam!



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